Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How Should We Exercise? Structure, Function and Form, Form Follows Function, Function Determines Form

Form follows function is most familiar to us an architectural principle of the 20th century. It is a basic idea about how a building should be designed. It is an interesting idea. Really all buildings have some kind of a structure and that structure must support the basic purpose or function of the building. There are lots of architectural interpretations of what this saying might mean though.

Form also follows function in biology. It means that for a certain function to be done, a biological structure will adapt a certain form. This occurs all the way from the cellular level up to the macro level. (ask.com) As humans we can apply this principle in a number of ways. First as a species, we had to evolve or develop certain structures to support human biology, for instance structures to support upright walking. But on the level of a single lifetime, we also have to develop structures to support the activities that constitute our individual life. It is daily activities, habits and personality that shape the structures that support our individual lives.

For instance we can use the example of Olympic athletes. Millions of people watch the Olympics every four years. We all get a chance to compare the physiques, the structures of athletes in different sports. These physiques are built up by years of training, usually constituting most of an athlete’s upbringing and adult life up to the point of Olympic competition. How immensely different are the bodies of the shot putter vs. the Olympic marathoner. Most of the earth’s people are not Olympic athletes. However, we can learn much from their example. The thickness of their bones, strength and size of their muscles, the speed and endurance they possess are all products of their training, which is in fact their lifestyle.

You will find that a high level athlete with a high skill level at his/her own sport, developed over thousands of hours of practice and training may have a low level of ability in other sports. A heavy muscular frame is not suited to setting a world record in the marathon. Each of these athletes has developed themselves into a specialist because that is what they wanted to be. Each of them now looks like the specialist they are. All of us have innate abilities, things that we want to do, and ways of expressing ourselves. Why should we subscribe to the idea that all of us should follow some standardized exercise procedure? When we talk about fitness, we have to ask, fit for what? As in the examples above, any training should only be something that takes us on a path towards what we want.

Here is an excerpt from a recent article

“There truly is only one reason to exercise: To increase your metabolism in order to burn more calories 24 hours a day, seven days a week. What is the only style of exercise that accomplishes that goal? Strength training. Increasing your metabolism through strength training is the key to successful, permanent weight loss.” (http://health.yahoo.net/experts/yahoo-spotlight/why-your-cardio-routine-making-you-fat)

Really? Really? That is the only reason to exercise? Are we just machines that have to be maintained as we would maintain our cars? Or are we human beings with individuality and purpose?

If we turn our attention back to the idea of architecture, we realize that all buildings are built with a purpose. They are built as an office building, a shopping mall, a residence, and they all reflect that purpose. Who are we? What is our purpose, and what do we want? Our purpose and function will in large measure determine our structure and form. There is a difference between fitness and health and the idea of training. “Movement is Life” and all of us must move and enjoy moving in some way. Training on the other hand is specificity, and is useful in forming and expressing our individuality. What is your purpose? Your purpose and the meaning of your life will determine how you build your structure. Here is an excerpt from a recent article in the NY TIMES

“In addition to activities like walking, jogging, cycling and swimming that promote endurance, cardiovascular health and weight control, there is a dire need for exercises that improve posture and increase strength, flexibility and balance. These exercises can greatly reduce the risk of injuries...”This is only an excerpt but it does suggest the typical exercise paradigm. Strength, aerobics, and flexibility, or stretching, all these are undoubtedly important but they are again a suggestion that we are merely mechanical beings. There is rarely a mention of skill, the power of the brain and nervous system to learn new things and movements that develop our true health and purpose, or the idea that we are a whole person and not just a collection of parts. There is almost never a mention of awareness as fundamental to our health and progress.

Awareness reveals our strengths and weakness. Most of us have developed weak links by the age of 40, according to Dr. Nicholas De Nubile. To age well we must have some knowledge of our own individual weak links as well as our strengths. Without knowledge of ourselves we are liable to cause injuries that could have been prevented. Awareness points us toward a lifetime of functional activity especially in the areas that are most important to us. It teaches us to do things moment by moment. That’s what keeps us strong and well aligned, instead of functioning by society’s ideas and repeating endlessly repetitive routines. Did you know that consistent attendance to repetitive exercise routines could itself be harmful at times? Why not design all your activity around your purpose. What is your passion? What are your goals? How do you want to express yourself? These are the pursuits that your fitness could serve. Directed, effective fitness requires continual learning.

The standard strength, stretch and cardio are not enough to keep you healthy and moving toward your potential if you ignore the learning component of fitness and health, the brain. We all think, but what is proper thought? Without proper thought we do not age well, nor do we fulfill our potential in any area. According to Dr. Feldenkrais, proper thought is thought that causes improved action. “It is not enough to know, you must act” (Bruce Lee). Add skill, self knowledge and learning to your conception of health and fitness and you will prosper. Don’t exercise the way the “experts” say to do it. Exercise the way your passion demands. But don’t “Just do it”. Do it first with purpose and passion, then skill and knowledge, then directed fitness and training.

How should we exercise? Exercise to fulfill your purpose on earth. Let the rest follow.

Scott Forrester is Student Awareness Through Movement Instructor, a 4th year Feldenkrais Student, PTA and CPT.

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